Info-Center & downloads
Forms, regulations, fact sheets, annual reports and more: Here you can find all important documents and news.
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Here you can find news about relevant developments in social security law, exciting information about TRANSPARENTA and current media reports.

TRANSPARENTA launches innovative pension model
Since this year, TRANSPARENTA has been one of the first pension funds to offer a stepped declining retirement pension. This innovative “pension with level” offers more flexibility when withdrawing and more guarantees in the event of death. It combines the benefits of withdrawing pensions with those of withdrawing capital.

New name - new look - new website
Since mid-January 2025, TRANSPARENTA has had an adapted name - we are now called “TRANSPARENTA Pension Fund” - and a fresh look. With the new website going live, the relaunch of the foundation initiated as part of the 20th anniversary has also been successfully completed.
“Your access to transparent information — compact and available at any time.”
Forms & fact sheets
Here you can download an overview of our forms and information sheets. Simple, clear and always at your fingertips.
All forms & information sheets relevant to companies are also sorted by topic available here.
All forms & information sheets relevant to insured persons are also sorted by topic available here.
Here you can find a clear overview of all current TRANSPARENTA regulations.
Clear perspectives Current
Twice a year, TRANSPARENTA publishes the “Klare Pespektiven Aktuell” with ongoing information about the Foundation and the development of occupational benefits.
“We show our face: With personal videos, we want to provide clear perspectives.”
Topics simply explained! Our videos provide you with illustrative explanations and helpful insights into important topics relating to TRANSPARENTA and your retirement planning.
TRANSPARENTA Pensionskasse: Die Antworten zum Wer, Was, Wie und Warum
DR. WECHSLER & PARTNER: Mehr erfahren über die Geschäftsstelle und Gründerin
Care-Management: Mehr erfahren über die Stütze bei Arbeitsunfähigkeit
Nachhaltige Sicherung der Renten: Umwandlungssätze im S-Modell ab 2025
Ausbau der Altersleistungen ab 2024: Todesfallkapital für Rentenbezüger
Modifikation Vorsorgesystem ab 2024: Vorteile vom kollektiven Rentenpool
“Noun est omen: Transparency is our program!”
Annual reports
Our annual report provides you with a comprehensible and comprehensive insight into the financial situation, cash flows and organization of TRANSPARENTA.
The affiliated companies also receive individual financial statements, which document the development of assets and the coverage ratio of the intermediate sector.
Investment comments
The decisions and market assessments of the Investment Commission can be found here in the form of compact excerpts from the minutes of the monthly meetings (from 2024, earlier on request).
Disclosure of voting rights
TRANSPARENTA exercises its voting rights for shares of listed Swiss companies in the interest of insured persons and discloses its voting behavior at general meetings in the form of an annual report.
Reasons for pension commissions
TRANSPARENTA generally organizes a continuing education event for members of pension committees every two years.
Here you can find presentations from previous events.