Your money — our investment

TRANSPARENTA balances returns, security and liquidity — combined with index-oriented investing and a credible sustainability approach.

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TRANSPARENTA KapitalanlageTRANSPARENTA KapitalanlageTRANSPARENTA Kapitalanlage

Investment report

TRANSPARENTA provides monthly information on investment performance and other key investment figures as well as the division of assets into investment categories.

Performance measures the return on an investment and is carried out using a time-weighted method (TWR).

The information provided here relates to the Foundation's investment portfolio, which becomes a single-investor fund. This does not include payment transaction accounts, current company account deposits, employers' contribution reserves, assets from insurance contracts and transitory assets. The investment portfolio represents around 95% of TRANSPARENTA's balance sheet total.

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“Risk control, cost efficiency and transparency are our top priorities.”

Investment structure by category as at 31 January 2025

TRANSPARENTA focuses its investment strategy on the proven long-term investment categories of equities, bonds and Swiss real estate.

Deviations from the strategic target value are possible within the regulatory ranges (“effective” compared to “strategy”).

Cumulative performance 2025

At the end of January 2025, the net return on the investment portfolio was 1.84% (benchmark: 1.85%).

Performance by investment category* (January — December 2024)

TRANSPARENTA netto Benchmark
Anlagekategorie Beitrag an
Beitrag an
Cash & übrige Anlagen** 0.23 nv 0.21 nv
Obligationen CHF -0.14 -0.64 -0.14 -0.65
Obligationen FW 0.00 -0.03 -0.01 -0.09
Aktien CH 1.17 15.31 1.19 15.31
Aktien Ausland 0.57 2.49 0.58 2.50
Immobilien 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.07
Gesamtperformance 1.84 1.85

* zeitgewichtet, gemäss Swiss Performance Presentation Standards
** Übrige: Gold, Vermögensverwaltungskosten, Interaktionseffekte

Comparison of investment performance in%

(nach Kosten)
(vor Kosten)
Benchmark brutto
(vor Kosten)
Pictet BVG-Index
2005 25+
Pictet BVG-Index
2005 40+
2024 10.14 10.48 10.25 7.72 7.86 10.08
2023 4.03 4.40 5.05 4.97 6.69 7.45
2022 -12.69 -12.32 -10.61 -9.58 -14.06 -14.92
2021 6.58 6.91 7.04 8.40 5.57 10.05
2020 3.84 4.20 3.03 4.09 3.32 3.15

Annualized values as of December 31, 2023 in%

(nach Kosten)
(vor Kosten)
Benchmark brutto
(vor Kosten)
Pictet BVG-Index
2005 25+
Pictet BVG-Index
2005 40+
3 Jahre p.a. 0.01 0.38 1.16 0.74 -0.37 0.21
5 Jahre p.a. 2.06 2.41 2.69 2.90 1.53 2.70
10 Jahre p.a. 2.70 3.06 3.28 3.42 2.44 3.46
seit 2004 p.a. 3.25 3.56 3.33 3.49 3.88 4.57

“We rely on inexpensive, index-oriented investment instruments. Because saved costs are the safest return.”

Comments from the Investment Commission — Extracts from the minutes of the monthly meetings

The latest market assessments and decisions of the Investment Commission are explained below. All previous log extracts can be found in our information center.

TRANSPARENTA Info-Center Placeholder
February 2025

Protokollauszug vom 20. Februar 2025

Auch einen Monat nach dem Machtwechsel in den Vereinigten Staaten bleibt die Unsicherheit über den künftigen Pfad der Wirtschaftspolitik und insbesondere der Aussenhandelsstrategie hoch. Verschiedentlich macht sich die Meinung breit, dass der laufend variierende Strauss von Ankündigungen erwogener neuer Zollschranken möglicherweise lediglich ein verhandlungstaktisches Instrument darstellt. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat sich bei Finanzmarkteilnehmern ein gewisses Mass an Erleichterung breitgemacht, und Risikoanlagen im Rest der Welt haben einen fulminanten Jahresauftakt erlebt.

TRANSPARENTA Info-Center Placeholder
January 2025

Protokollauszug vom 31. Januar 2025

Der Jahresauftakt an den globalen Finanzmärkten war geprägt von der Antizipation eines materiellen Kurswechsels in der Aussenwirtschaftspolitik der neuen US-Administration, welche per 20. Januar die Macht übernahm. Der Umstand, dass wider Erwarten eine Verhängung weitreichender neuer Zollschranken zunächst ausblieb, verhalf Risikoanlagen zu einem freundlichen Start in das neue Jahr. An den Währungsmärkten hat dies dem unablässigen Aufwärtstrend des US-Dollar vorerst Einhalt geboten und ein Ende der Korrektur am Goldmarkt eingeläutet.

TRANSPARENTA Info-Center Placeholder
December 2024

Protokollauszug vom 19. Dezember 2024

Die ausgesprochen divergente Entwicklung an den globalen Finanzmärkten im Nachgang der Präsidentschafts- und Kongresswahlen in den Vereinigten Staaten hat sich über die letzten Wochen wieder etwas nivelliert. So haben insbesondere die Aktienmärkte der Eurozone trotz einer anhaltend negativen Stimmungslage und eingetrübter Konjunkturaussichten ihren Rückstand auf US-Aktien reduzieren können, auch wenn der Schweizer Aktienmarkt seine Underperformance fortsetzt. Trotz euphorischer US-Anlegerstimmung in Antizipation der zweitem Trump-Administration verlieren amerikanische Aktien dagegen zunehmend an Momentum. Dass dies an Blue Chip Benchmarks wie dem S&P 500 noch kaum Spuren hinterlassen hat, ist allein dem Umstand zu verdanken, dass die Index-Schwergewichte aus dem Kreis der sogenannten «Magnificent Seven» noch kaum Federn lassen mussten.

Interested in attractive benefits? Find out how we can optimize your pension solution together.
To the offer

investment philosophy

Our investment strategy takes into account the factors of return, security and liquidity in a balanced manner. The principles of “safe — efficient — transparent” form the basis. This is complemented by a pragmatic sustainability approach that incorporates ESG criteria and stewardship activities into investment decisions.

Balanced investment strategy with traditional investments
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A good two thirds of your pension assets are invested in yield-generating real assets such as equities and Swiss real estate and a third in stable nominal values such as bonds and cash. In doing so, we keep things simple and focus on the proven and liquid stock and bond markets, supplemented by indirect real estate investments in Switzerland and some gold. Thanks to the index-oriented approach, a broad distribution of wealth across currencies, regions and industries is achieved. Cluster risks are thus systematically avoided. Because risk control and transparency are our top priorities: We only invest in investments that we understand.

Systematic implementation of the strategy with rule-based rebalancing
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TRANSPARENTA has been using a rule-based rebalancing approach since 2024. Our concept with a “bandwidth approach” aims to systematically limit deviations between the effective distribution of assets and the investment strategy. This is achieved by returning the weights of the affected investment categories back to the strategy weight if the maximum deviations (bandwidths) defined in the rebalancing concept exceed or fall below the maximum deviations (bandwidths) defined in the rebalancing concept. This also promotes countercyclical behavior, as the example of equities shows: While profits are realized in above-average boom phases, they are topped up again after sharp price falls.

Safety by avoiding high-risk investments
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We pay the utmost attention to the creditworthiness, tradability and transparency of the investment instruments used: Bonds from crisily debtors (junk bonds), structured products with high counterparty risks or opaque hedge funds, SPACs and other exotic investments have no place in our portfolio. For the sake of security, we also refrain from marginal additional income from securities lending or experiments with cryptocurrencies.

Cost efficiency thanks to the use of index-oriented investments
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Studies show that at least 90% of investment success in asset management is attributable to the defined investment strategy — and not to the active selection of individual securities or investment products. TRANSPARENTA therefore focuses cost-effectively on index-oriented investments and largely dispenses with alternative investments and the awarding of active asset management mandates. As a result, asset management costs at TRANSPARENTA are around a third lower than the industry average. Our motto is: Saved costs are the safest return!


  • Risk control is a top priority and comes before profit maximization
  • Rule-based reblanancing approach reduces yield variances by benchmark
  • No high-risk investments in hedge funds, junk bonds or commodities (other than gold)


  • Focus on proven and liquid investments such as stocks, bonds and indirect real estate
  • Index-oriented implementation at investment category level
  • Asset management costs around 1/3 lower than industry average


  • Monthly commentary on investment activity from our highly qualified investment commission
  • Taking ESG (environmental, social, governance) criteria into account in our index investments
  • Active exercise of voting rights incl. Commitment to Swiss shares with the help of “Inrate”

“At TRANSPARENTA, we implement sustainability pragmatically and credibly.”


As a long-term pension fund and investor, TRANSPARENTA assumes its responsibility towards the social environment and society as well as to preserve the natural environment. The goal is to generate sustainable value for our insured persons in the long term.

As Signatory of the “United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment” We are publicly committed to responsible investment and are committed to taking sustainability criteria into account in our investment decisions. In doing so, we always comply with the constantly evolving regulatory requirements in the area of ESG.

This is how we fulfill our duty of care:

  • Stewardship: We promote sustainable developments through active dialogue with companies (engagement) and the exercise of voting rights (voting).
  • Exclusion criteria: We consistently exclude companies with controversial business activities.
  • Integration of ESG ratings: We invest specifically in companies with high sustainability ratings.
  • Integration of climate aspects: We are optimizing our portfolio for a better ecological profile.

“Climate Alliance Switzerland assesses in its Climate rating TRANSPARENTA's investment as a “good practice”.”

Transparency in voting behavior

Our detailed accounts of the exercise of voting rights provide complete insights into our voting behavior at general meetings. Here you can download reports from recent years. All previous log extracts can be found in our information center.

TRANSPARENTA Info-Center Placeholder
December 2022

Rechenschaftsbericht 2022

Dieser Rechenschaftsbericht fasst das Stimmverhalten für den Zeitraum vom 01.01.2022 bis 31.12.2022 zusammen.

TRANSPARENTA Info-Center Placeholder
December 2021

Rechenschaftsbericht 2021

Dieser Rechenschaftsbericht fasst das Stimmverhalten für den Zeitraum vom 01.01.2021 bis 31.12.2021 zusammen.

TRANSPARENTA Info-Center Placeholder
December 2020

Rechenschaftsbericht 2020

Dieser Rechenschaftsbericht fasst das Stimmverhalten für den Zeitraum vom 01.01.2020 bis 31.12.2020 zusammen.

“Our investment philosophy in three words: safe — efficient — transparent.”

Our principles in brief
Vorsorgen mit Durchblick. TRANSPARENTA Pensionskasse verbindet die Vorteile einer eigenen Firmenpensionskasse mit den Pluspunkten der Gemeinschaftseinrichtung.


  • Risk control is a top priority and comes before profit maximization
  • Rule-based rebalancing approach reduces yield variances with the benchmark
  • No high-risk investments in hedge funds, junk bonds or commodities (other than gold)


  • Focus on proven and liquid investments such as stocks, bonds and Swiss real estate
  • Index-oriented implementation at investment category level
  • Asset management costs are around a third lower than the industry average


  • Monthly comment on investment activity from our professional investment commission
  • Taking ESG criteria into account when selecting our investments
  • Active exercise of voting rights and involvement in Swiss equities via “Inrate”
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