For companies
Efficient administrative processes with reliable service make it easier for you to administer employee benefits at TRANSPARENTA. This saves you time and money.
We have summarized the most important information about occupational benefits (BVG) for you below.
The rights and obligations of an affiliated company are set out in general connection contract provisions (AVB) regulated.
Would you like additional information? Then we would be happy to be there for you personally. We look forward to hearing from you.
Take advantage of our web portal. Here you can enter the most common business cases, carry out various queries and immediately receive all relevant information. Your data is retrieved and transmitted in real time. This allows you to work on the same data as the TRANSPARENTA administration.
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Information & downloads
Here you will find interesting facts about topics that are relevant to the administration of your company's employee benefits.
Occupational pension plans with clear prospects:
“safe - efficient - transparent”
Benefits thanks to a collective pension pool at foundation level
Death benefit for recipients of old-age pensions
“Flexible and first-class pension solutions
with experts at your side.”
Your customised pension plan
Whether it's a cost-effective pension plan close to BVG, a tax-optimized management plan or a balanced concept with plans for several departments within a company: Work with us to exploit the full spectrum of the 2nd pillar — to the advantage of employers and insured persons.
Our numerous plan options and advanced provisions in general regulations enable you to tailor pension solutions flexibly and individually to the needs of your customers.
Entry threshold
The AHV annual salary threshold above which employees are accepted into the pension fund can be reduced or omitted altogether.
coordination deduction
The coordination deduction can be reduced, either by 50% for everyone in general or for parttime employees, where the deduction is adjusted in proportion to the level of employment. It can also be canceled completely in order to insure the full gross annual salary, as with the AHV.
Insured salary
Insured wages can be defined differently for savings and risk insurance. Up to two insured wages are possible when saving and up to three with risk insurance. The wage maximum is also largely freely determinable.
Risk benefits
Risk benefits in the event of death and disability can be set as a percentage of the insured salary. As a result, risk insurance is not dependent on the amount of retirement assets saved up to now, as provided for in the BVG for the logic of statutory minimum benefits.
Savings contributions
The amount of savings contribution rates (retirement credits) and the graduation by age group are freely selectable — within the limits of appropriateness in accordance with Art. 1 BVV2. An increase in the savings contribution rate to up to 25% is usually feasible.
Election plans
Employers can offer their staff the opportunity to choose from a maximum of three savings contribution variants. The retirement credits financed by the employee depend on the plan chosen; those financed by the employer are the same in all plans. The provisions of Art. 1d BVV2.
Prension Commission
Each affiliated company forms a pension fund with a pension commission made up equally of employees and employers. The tasks are specifically defined in employee benefits and organizational regulations.
This determines the structure of benefits and financing by selecting the pension plan. It decides on the distribution of free funds from surplus payments or the interest on retirement assets, depending on the individual coverage ratio and the pension model chosen for the pension fund.
This insurance covers claims for damages arising from a breach of duty (corporate liability) as well as the costs of defending against unjustified claims. However, it should be noted that the risk of damage resulting from breaches of duty is generally extremely low for pension commissions. The main tasks for implementing occupational benefits and thus the responsibility lie with the Board of Trustees, the Investment Commission and the Management Board.
Events for pension commissions
TRANSPARENTA organizes a training event for pension committees every two years.
The next event will take place on Thursday, June 12, 2025 from 14:00 to 17:00 at the Hotel Mövenpick in Basel with FCB Honorary President Bernhard Heusler as guest speaker.