
retirement benefits

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Your way to a carefree pension

When you retire, you are faced with an important decision: Would you like to have your saved retirement capital paid out once or receive a secure pension for the rest of your life? Or is a mix of these the right compromise and, if so, in which mixing ratio?

There are no general answers — the right solution depends on your personal situation.

Create a budget early
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A solid budget is the basis of any retirement plan. Compare your expenses with your income and create a monthly and annual budget. Also consider changes after retirement. It is best to start planning 10 to 15 years in advance. This is because if an income gap is identified for after retirement, you can take measures such as voluntary purchases into the pension fund in a tax-optimised manner and spread over several years in a more budget-friendly manner.

Include important considerations in your financial planning
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When planning your budget and pension, take into account important issues such as fixed costs, usual standard of living, taxes, investment including liquidity, income security, housing situation, life expectancy, potential survivors including inheritance law, and so on and so forth.

It is often recommended that you draw up an individual financial plan with the help of specialists that comprehensively includes your financial situation with all three pillars of retirement planning. To do this, contact an independent financial planner, your bank or insurance company you trust. Please note that they charge a fee as compensation for the service. That's a good thing: Because financial planners for private individuals, who primarily work for you free of charge, live on commissions from product providers. This can lead to potential conflicts of interest in consulting.

Take advantage of our support — including a web portal for preliminary calculations
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In web portal With TRANSPARENTA, you can simulate your expected retirement benefits from the pension fund independently and as often as you like. This applies at different times and for up to three retirement steps.

Of course, you can also contact our contacts for advance calculations or general questions about retirement and subscription options office available in person for a telephone consultation. Don't hesitate, because we are happy to provide you with the best possible support on your journey to a carefree retirement.

Submit your decision by the deadline
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If you would like to retire early or gradually, please contact us proactively. In this way, we can help you comply with all legal and regulatory requirements and deadlines. Tell us your choice of receiving benefits — pension, capital or mix — no later than one month before you retire using the form “Retirement details” with.

“Pension, capital or a mix — TRANSPARENTA gives you freedom of choice when receiving retirement benefits.”

Capital or pension: advantages and disadvantages at a glance

Below, we have summarized some of the advantages and disadvantages of withdrawing pensions and capital payments. The list is intended to give you food for thought and is not exhaustive.

pension withdrawal
Capital withdrawal
  • No effort
  • Guaranteed, regular pension for life
  • High level of security (Swiss Federal SIFO covers the PK in the event of bankruptcy)
  • Capital investment by the pension fund
  • Survivors' pension in case of death
  • Any cost compensation
  • No wealth and income tax on retirement capital
  • All capital inheritable
  • Debt can be reduced, e.g. mortgage
  • Flexibility possible through independent capital investment
  • Inflexible: fixed, regular pension
  • Not inheritable
  • Income tax on the entire pension
  • Taxation upon withdrawal (amount depends on the canton of residence)
  • Capital investment must be made by yourself
  • Higher investment costs than with a pension fund
  • No guarantee of return on investment
  • High investment losses possible
  • Wealth and income tax
We have summarized all important information about your occupational pension plan in a compact form for you.
For insured persons
Vorsorgen mit Durchblick. TRANSPARENTA Pensionskasse verbindet die Vorteile einer eigenen Firmenpensionskasse mit den Pluspunkten der Gemeinschaftseinrichtung.

What's new from 2025

From 2025, insured persons will have the option to receive retirement benefits as a phased retirement pension. This innovative “pension with level” offers more flexibility when withdrawing and more guarantees in the event of death.

Death benefit for recipients of old-age pensions

From January 1, 2024, close relatives of old-age pension recipients will receive a guaranteed refund of up to 60 months' pensions thanks to declining death benefit.
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