Insured person:
Pension statement
The pension statement is the connecting document between you as an insured person and us as a pension fund — and provides you with a clear overview of the key data of your occupational pension plan.
We will issue you with your personal pension statement each time there is an entry, a mutation or a transaction and once a year on 1 January.
You will find important information on the pension statement:
- to your insured salary;
- about your retirement savings and their development, including interest;
- on contributions, broken down by type of contribution and by employee and employer;
- on the expected benefits in the event of retirement, disability or death;
- to other values such as your purchasing potential or the maximum amount for a WEF advance withdrawal;
- to the members of your pension commission.
This information is determined on the basis of your pension fund's pension plan and your personal data. Please check your master data and report changes via your employer or directly to us.
Our pension statement reading guide provides detailed explanations of all positions. It is available in German, French, Italian and English.
TRANSPARENTA received the award for Switzerland's best pension certificate!
On behalf of the “SonntagsZeitung” and “Finanz & Wirtschaft”, Weibel Hess & Partner runs a comprehensive Pension fund comparison Among the collection and community institutions throughout Switzerland. In 2021, the prize for the best pension certificate was awarded to TRANSPARENTA.