Insured person:
<svg width=" 100%" height=" 100%" viewBox="0 0 31 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M28.1448 21.4803C27.2967 25.7211 26.8726 27.8415 25.4713 29.2072C25.2123 29.4596 24.9322 29.6893 24.6339 29.8938C23.0199 31 20.8575 31 16.5327 31H13.8438C9.51905 31 7.35666 31 5.74269 29.8938C5.44439 29.6893 5.1642 29.4596 4.90521 29.2072C3.50394 27.8415 3.07986 25.7211 2.2317 21.4803C1.01402 15.3919 0.405175 12.3477 1.80675 10.1905C2.06052 9.79996 2.35673 9.43865 2.68996 9.1132C4.53034 7.3158 7.63484 7.3158 13.8438 7.3158H16.5327C22.7417 7.3158 25.8462 7.3158 27.6866 9.1132C28.0198 9.43865 28.316 9.79996 28.5698 10.1905C29.3768 11.4326 29.5173 12.9686 29.2588 15.2105" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"/> <circle cx="19.9227" cy="13.6316" r="1.57895" fill="currentColor"/> <circle cx="10.4491" cy="13.6316" r="1.57895" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M10.4492 7.31579V5.73684C10.4492 3.12076 12.57 1 15.1861 1C17.8021 1 19.9229 3.12076 19.9229 5.73684V7.31579" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"/> </svg>
With voluntary purchases, you close pension gaps and improve your future retirement benefits.
Pension gaps can arise in the following cases:
- They get pay increases.
- You have interruptions to work, e.g. due to parenthood, studies or time off.
- Your pension plan is improved, for example by increasing your insured salary or savings contribution rates.
- The effective interest rate on your retirement savings is below that with the planned purchase interest rate (usually 2%).
Because purchases are deductible from taxable income, you can save taxes and benefit from a favourable interest rate on your retirement savings at the same time.
Refund of voluntary purchases automatically insured in the event of death
Another advantage: TRANSPARENTA automatically insures the refund of voluntary purchases in the event of death. If an insured person has made voluntary purchases into our foundation with the current employer and dies before retirement, the beneficiaries receive a death benefit that is at least equal to the sum of the voluntary purchases (excluding interest and minus advance payments for WEF and divorce).
Special information about purchasing for early retirement
With TRANSPARENTA, you can also buy into early retirement. Some of this is already automatically included in normal purchasing potential.
At the earliest four years before the planned early retirement, you can fully or partially offset the benefit reduction resulting from early withdrawal up to the maximum possible retirement pension at the reference age 65 under the regulations. This advantageous 4-year period makes it possible to choose a lump-sum withdrawal instead of the pension even when shopping for early retirement, because this means the three-year blocking period in accordance with Art. Art. 79b BVG can be adhered to after a purchase.
In order to be able to make a purchase, there must be a purchasing potential. You can find out whether there is one on your pension statement under the heading “Maximum possible purchase”. However, there are factors that reduce the reported purchase amount. So that we can finally calculate your maximum possible purchase amount, please send us the required information with the purchase form. For forms received before December 20th, we guarantee a timely calculation for the current year.
All details and tips about purchasing can be found in compact form on our leaflet under Downloads.